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here it oft Darted into my heart (viz)
If then doest this then thou wilt
be bound & <sic>weded</sic>  <corr>wedded</corr> to the World & <sic>remaine</sic>  <corr>remain</corr>
<sic>sould</sic>  <corr>sold</corr> under Sin & hazard the loss of
thy soul: here I was so stoped from
each <sic>persuit</sic>  <corr>pursuit</corr> of the world & the flesh
however <sic>Obsurd</sic>  <corr>Absurd</corr> it <sic>migh</sic>  <corr>might</corr> seem to others
I <sic>endavourd</sic>  <corr>endeavoured</corr> to get clear of all hoping
to <sic>becom</sic>  <corr>become</corr> <sic>wholey</sic>  <corr>wholly</corr> our Saviours & to
belong to his people: <sic>Immediatly</sic>  <corr>Immediately</corr>
seeking to <sic>becom</sic>  <corr>become</corr> Acquainted with them

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  1. About this time <add>the</add> <sic>Gentelwoman</sic>  <corr>Gentlewoman</corr>

I servd sent her <sic>yong</sic>  <corr>young</corr> Daughter in
my care to a Neighbour <sic>wher</sic>  <corr>where</corr> the
small pox was on purpose to Catch
it, but to no effect but our D.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> Saviour
knowing the danger I was still in
of loosing my soul I being still full
with passion pride & self <sic>admiera-
-tion</sic>  <corr>admiration</corr> he laid me down on the
small pox (tho it was not then in
our Neighbourhood) in which I
<sic>belive</sic>  <corr>believe</corr> I suffered much more yea
<sic>wood</sic>  <corr>would</corr> much rather Die this put
such a stop to those <sic>Miserys</sic>  <corr>Miseries</corr> that
still lay in <add>me</add> that I thanks Him
for this unspeakable Mercy
with numberless Tears