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<sic>Suplement</sic>  <corr>Supplement</corr> to the <date>15 Week 1769</date>
Containing the following Personals.
1<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">st</hi></hi>. Our Reverend <add>Dear</add> <persname>Brother John </persname><hi rend="underline"><persname>Jacob Ulrich</persname> w</hi>ho de
=parted to the Lord at <placename>Herrnhuth</placename> the <unclear><date>29</date></unclear><hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi><date>. of February 1769</date>
In the 42<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">d</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi>. Year of his Age. <gap></gap>He has left the following
Account of his Path:
                   I was born at <hi rend="underline"><placename>Münsterm</placename></hi><placename> </placename><hi rend="underline"><placename>S</placename><hi rend="superscript"><placename>t</placename></hi><placename>. gregorien thal</placename></hi><placename>
in upper </placename><hi rend="underline"><placename>Alsaka</placename></hi> the <date>27</date><hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi></hi><date>. of May 1727</date>. My Parents <sic>keept</sic>  <corr>kept</corr>
me <sic>stricktly</sic>  <corr>strictly</corr> to reading the Scriptures from my Childhood tho
I was a Bad Child and often thought if ever I inknd to be happy
I must become another Person. In my 14<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">th</hi></hi>. Year I went the first time
to the Lord Supper. I was <sic>allways</sic>  <corr>always</corr> very Uneasy when the time drew
near that I should Communicate and promised Amendment every
time I partook, but still I grew worse and worse. In my 15<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">th</hi></hi>. Year
my Parents <sic>dyed</sic>  <corr>died</corr> and I came to my Brother in Law to learn
the Shoemakers Trade. My time being out, in the Year
<date>1746</date> I <sic>sat</sic>  <corr>set</corr> out on my Travels with a firm intention to avoid
all bad Company. I came to <placename>Bussweiler</placename> and work'd with an
Old Man, was mostly alone, and spent my time in praying
and singing, but not <sic>haveing</sic>  <corr>having</corr> strength to withstand my Na=
=tural Corruption, I was <sic>overpowed</sic>  <corr>overpowered</corr> by Sin. Which made me so
uneasy, that even my Devotions appeard Sinful to me and 
for 14 Days together I went about as a lost and undone Creature
I had not the heart to acquaint any one of my Condition.
But at length concluded |:as I certainly believ'd myself lost:|
to enjoy the World as much as possible for which purpose I
sought out my Old Companions and ran headlong into all
Sin and Wickedness. Thus I spent 7 Years, not without feeling