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of his Choir for other first ????. He earnestly wishd our dear Saviour
would now give him the <sic>injoyment</sic>  <corr>enjoyment</corr> of new Blessings, in the place
of those he had miss'd off, and spare nothing which might help
to his Perfection, which he believ'd to be at hand. In a letter which
he wrote about the same time, he says: O my Grace Election is
doubly wrighty to me. First to be ransomed, and then to belong
to the People who honour our Saviours Suffring, <unclear>hs</unclear> this enlivens
my heart. Jesu's Suffrings is the peculiar Power, which unites
us together. This our d.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> Saviour has manifested to me, This will
eternally preserve <add>us</add>, and this I will bear wittness of, to the whole
world, and will follow this <hi rend="underline">Ensign</hi> as long as my Eyes are open.
His Calling, to instruct the Young Accadamists in Managing
the Horse, was a Satisfactory employment, in which he serv'd
them 15 Years with great faithfulness. <hi rend="underline">The <date>13</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date></date></hi><date> of April</date> he
rode to <placename>Gnadau</placename> on <sic>Busness</sic>  <corr>Business</corr>, with one of the <sic>Studients</sic>  <corr>Students</corr> on the
road have by <hi rend="underline"><placename>Zeitz</placename></hi> he unlighted from his Horse, and as he
was Mounting again, he fell to the Ground on the other side
of the Horse, the Brother that was with him, attempted to assist
him to rise, and he spoke a few words quite Sensible, but
presently sunk again to the Ground, and lost his Senses &
Speech. He was brought<placename> </placename><hi rend="underline"><placename>Zeitz</placename></hi>, and <sic>tho</sic>  <corr>though</corr> several Remidies
was applied, all was to none Effect. Br. <hi rend="underline"><persname>Holesch</persname></hi> was sent for
from <placename>Gnadau</placename>, who just came time enough to commend the
departing Soul to his Redeemer in a few Verses, and to give
him the last Blessing to his departure. His Pilgrimage
here below, lasted 65 Years 3 Months & 2 Weeks. ____