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along on the <sic>Busness</sic>  <corr>Business</corr> myself. But several things making
me not <sic>chuse</sic>  <corr>choose</corr> to stay with my Master any longer, I went
to another Brew House, where I carried on the <sic>Busness</sic>  <corr>Business</corr> 14 Years.
During this season many things offer'd, which might have
been a snare to me, and I was often near being drawn into
sin, but Just as I was upon the Point, something <sic>allways</sic>  <corr>always</corr>
held me back. So that afterwards I have often wonderd how
it came to pass. My faithful Saviour had something better in
store for me which I now enjoy. In the year <date>1735</date> I was awakend
and went on some years under a great concern for my Salvation,
till the year <date>1742</date> I had a severe <sic>fitt</sic>  <corr>fit</corr> of Illness. Then my Concern
became real, I had no Assurance of my Salvation, and felt nothing
but doubts and Fears. I beg'd of God to restore me to my Health, or at
least not to let me <sic>dye</sic>  <corr>die</corr>, till I knew what would become of me. As soon
as I recoverd, I earnestly thought to amend my life, and gave myself
much trouble, but nothing would do, when I thought had done my best
a Circumstance would happen which quite overturn'd my Self Righ=
=teous Building. At length in the year <date>1744</date> I became acquainted with
the Brn. and heard of them, that only in our d<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">r</hi></hi>. Saviours <sic>Merrits</sic>  <corr>Merits</corr>
and Wounds, grace and Blessing was to be sought and attaind.
This was agreeable to me to hear, yet I feard I was <sic>to</sic>  <corr>too</corr> undeserving
to receive it, and that <sic>keept</sic>  <corr>kept</corr> me back some time. But our dear Sav<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">r</hi></hi>.
did not desist following me, <sic>untill</sic>  <corr>until</corr> I gave myself up to him just as
I was, and receivd the <sic>offerr'd</sic>  <corr>offer'd</corr> grace and Salvation gratis. By which
Means my heart was at Peace and I obtaind the Forgiveness of my
Sins and a Childlike Confidence in our Saviour. And <sic>alltho</sic>  <corr>altho</corr> I
afterwards often griev'd him, yet he never <sic>forsook</sic>  <corr>forsaken</corr> me, but <sic>allways</sic>  <corr>always </corr>
pardon'd me anew, and gave me to find his gracious Countenance <add>was</add> turn'd
towards me. I became tired of my hard Labour in the Brew House
in which our d<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">r</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi>. Saviour had prosperd me in temporals greatly,
and left my Abode without knowing rightly what I would under=
=take: At first I thought I would visit my Parents in <placename>Hollstein</placename>, and
childlikely believ'd that then, my further Path would be shew'd me.
Our Saviour order'd it so, that Just as I was going to <sic>sett</sic>  <corr>set</corr> out got <placename>Holl=
stein</placename>, <persname>Br. Cr</persname><persname>öger</persname> went to visit the Cong<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">n</hi></hi>. I laid <sic>asside</sic>  <corr>aside</corr> my intended 
Journey and went with him without considering <sic>wether</sic>  <corr>whether</corr> I would go
to visit, or to stay there. But on the way thither it was made
out to me that I should spend the Remainder of my days in the Cong<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">n</hi></hi>.
We <sic>arived</sic>  <corr>arrived</corr> there in <date>May 1754</date> and our Saviour granted my Request