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At last She begun to grow weary, then since the Time her
Sickness begun, she saw 8 of her Choir-fellows going home
& said to her Choir-Labourer: "Will my dear Saviour
not soon come & take me along to him? I can't tell
ye how <sic>gratiously</sic>  <corr>graciously</corr> he assisted me, as well in my <sic>bodyly</sic>  <corr>bodily</corr>
& Souls Occurrences; I'll leave it over to him, when
he the Moment thinks proper to take my poor Soul home.
And in this happy Situation She expected from the pale
Lips her last kiss; whom She received to Day in the
27<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>. Year of her Age.