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to the last Hour. He was very much <sic>rejoyced</sic>  <corr>rejoiced</corr> about
the pretty Feats in the Congregation on the Accensions-
<date>Day of our Saviours </date><sic><date>Accension</date></sic><date>  </date><corr><date>Ascension</date></corr><date> to Heaven</date>. And upon
inquiring: if he would not <sic>accend</sic>  <corr>ascend</corr> to Day to Heaven?
O said he: that would be a Pleasure to me!
In the following Night as the <date>13</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of May at one </date><sic><date>a</date></sic><date>  </date><corr><date>o'</date></corr><date> Clock</date>
he begun with a loud Voice to pray to our Sav<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>: O dear
Saviour what has thou done for poor me! thyne <sic>Suffrings</sic>  <corr>Sufferings</corr>,
thine Wounds, thine Death & Punishment! O my best
most <add>dear</add> & good Heart! O how will I kiss thine feet & Hands.
O come soon! soon! Then he begun to sing: <hi rend="underline">Deime 
Marter, Angst & Stich, o Herr Jesus trösten mich!
O! <sic>myn</sic>  <corr>mein</corr> trauter
Herre, gib mir nur was du ver-
<sic>dint</sic>  <corr>deint</corr> mehr ich nicht begehre</hi>!<gap></gap> O thou Lamb of 
God, have Mercy upon me! O so he continued to sing
& pray till about half a Hour before he departed.
They offered him some <sic>Medicin</sic>  <corr>Medicine</corr>, but he <sic>denyed</sic>  <corr>denied</corr> it
saying: Now I need no more, soon will I be w<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>
our dear Saviour! Then the 12 hourly <unclear>ratting</unclear>
begun to cease & all the Signs of his <sic>Desolution</sic>  <corr>Dissolution</corr>
appeareth. He receiv<hi rend="superscript">d</hi>. the Blessing of his Choir & the
Congregation & by them Words: <hi rend="underline">Da dein Mund will er-
bleichen</hi>  he expird, in the Morning at 3 <sic>aClock</sic>   <corr>o' Clock</corr>,
& his happy Soul <sic>accended</sic>  <corr>ascended</corr> in the Arms of his
<unclear>Braudigroom</unclear> in the 46<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>. Year of his Age. 

<date>May 27 1765</date>