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heavy & intricate Commissions (but necessary for the
Safety of the Work of our Saviour) by the english Lords,
who very often in the Begin grew impatient, but were
cooled & friendly again by his humble & obliging Temper,
that he at last <sic>allways</sic>  <corr>always</corr> attaineth the very Point of his
Commission. That a <sic>usefull</sic>  <corr>useful</corr> Tool he was into the Hand of his
Master as well in Church as other weighty Affairs, is <sic>to</sic>  <corr>too</corr>
extensive to describe, but it is no more but reasonable
to be <sic>thanckfull</sic>  <corr>thankful</corr> for him, & not to forget what our Sav.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>
has done by the Hands of our dear Brother.
In general we must of him: Nothing was <sic>to</sic>  <corr>too</corr> great & heavy
& nothing <sic>to</sic>  <corr>too</corr> mean & poor & well in Church Affairs,
or by Single <sic>Membres</sic>  <corr>Members</corr>, or Friends, or any Person
whatsoever, it was his Pleasure to serve or oblige
them. This his <sic>peculier</sic>  <corr>peculiar</corr> Disposition to help & serve,
& the good Opinion he had by any of every Body, by
whom he only could detect any Thing inclining to
Good, insnared him very often in difficult Consequences.
However if we <sic>loock</sic>  <corr>look</corr> on the Basis on which his Actions
were raised, we find indeed more reason to praise &
admire <sic>then</sic>  <corr>than</corr> to charge this noble character with
a Fault.
A<hi rend="superscript">o</hi>. <date>1750</date> He <sic>get</sic>  got <sic>a</sic>  <corr>an</corr> Invitation to the <placename>Synod</placename> in <placename>Barby</placename>
& A<hi rend="superscript">o</hi>. <date>53</date> returned with <persname>Johannes</persname> & <persname>Charl.</persname><hi rend="superscript"><persname>s</persname></hi><persname> Tschirsky</persname>
through <placename><sic>Swizerland</sic></placename>  <corr><placename>Switzerland</placename></corr> & <placename>France</placename> to <placename>London</placename> again & stayd
there to A<hi rend="superscript">o</hi>. <date>55</date>. In this Time he bought Lindsey House
                                                                            & was Agent again