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The Life of <persname>B</persname><hi rend="superscript"><persname>r</persname></hi><persname> Johannes Jorde</persname>
 Johannes Jorde was born in <date>May 1706</date> in
the so called Hirs [Gremade?] in Upper Silesia
of the Lutheran Religion. His Parents dyed
when he was young and he <hi rend="superscript">^was^</hi> put out to live in
Hillersdorff. Here he stay'd till he was 35
years of Age & did very well till such Time
as he got acquainted with the awakening
Souls in that Place. Several of which went to
That, whose Example he follow'd in the year
41. In April the same year he was rec'd in
in the Congregation, & afterwards was sent to
Hhaag. here he learn'd the Carpenters Trade