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all the days of my life, But this seemed as
a Hook in my Heart for some days, The
I was asham'd to let any one know anything
about it, But I thought if this be true there
is nothing in all the world shall hinder me
till I know he have receiv'd me, if he will
except of such a poor sinneras I am, soon
after this I hear'd Mr. Sennick under the sycumore
tree near Mr. Wesleys [Scool] it being the first or
second time of his Preaching , But I had not
been there many Minutes but my heart was
all most ready to break , He spoke from the
First Chapter of St. John and something of
his own [Experiance] which came near my
heart thinking to my self what shall I do
to be sav'd, My sins as it [weare] [steard] me in
the face, My Companions and all I thought wou'd
be witnesses against me at the Last Day, And
as I had not been the [pewination] of my own
poor soul but theirs also, and now I was a
mark for every one to Laugh at, and many
more of the like expressions was the [languige]
of my poor heart for the whole sermon
I stood in amaze asham'd to look any one in
the face thinking no ones condition like mine
in the [wold] world, But yet thought how glad I shou'd
be if I cou'd but [gett] aquainted with that man
and look'd after him till he was gone out of my
sight, But in [?] then a fortnight and two more