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a little Book as I met with by chance I felt
something in my Heart that I never felt before,
and had it been [pofible] I could then even sunk
into nothing in tears of love before the Lord Jesus
and the Covenant that I made with Him that
Evening I thought then to have kept to all the days
of my Life, But this soon wear'd [of], and for want
of care taken as I grew [biger] my [corruped]
Nature grew stronger and stronger and led me more
and more captive, At Ten years of Age or there
about I went to work in the Coal Pitt
amongst other bad Boys, though my Mother
porswade my to go [aprentis] but I cou'd
not bear the thoughts of loosing my
companions, and be confind; But as I grew
in years older and older at last I thought
to make my self happy in what the
World call Merry Company, But it was
all in vain, for I was disapointed in
Every thing that I did take in hand,
so that often times in the [midts] of
[mirth] I shou'd have such [heavings]
of spirit come upon me that I did
not know what to do, some times I did
evdeavour to [paf] it away by singing
or Dancing or such like, and some times
leave my company, and think if I was with