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"upon him, but on the contrary, not one single Reason why,
"you should turn your eye away from him."
We cannot truly say that we have seen any thing, till we
have seen Jesus on the Cross. To look upon a crucified person,
is, in itself a grievous sight, but to look at Christ crucified
brings joy & peace to the Soul, for thou flows from Jesus a saving
power. They who observe in themselves a sincere and earnest
longing to meditate on the Cross of Christ; his death and the
Cause of it, to the Benefit of their immortal Soul, may be
convinced that it is the work of the Holy Ghost, and they
ought to give double diligence, rightly to improve thou
blessed moments. They should seek to turn their thoughts
from every others object, and only fasten them upon our Graci-
ous Saviour and the atonement made by him. Such a One
need not fear, for Christ has redeemed him, and has called him
as by name, He has said, "Thou art mine."
O Jesus open thou the eyes of our Understanding, that we
may discern thy love, which thou wouldst testify to us,
when thou wast raised on the high Cross, as an offered Lamb
bearing the sins of the whole word.
Nothing is able to instill into our hearts any thing that
can so be depended upon, or to implant to us so instantaneous
by Rest and happiness as the real meditation on the Cross
of Christ. Nothing is so strong, nothing so powerful, in the
most easy manner, to love all the Bonds which bind us
to the world, as the constant beholding Jesus' cross.
Nothing can make us so patient in sufferings, nothing