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O keep forever in my sigh Thy so much wounded Body.
O could my heart with eagerness
O sink me still deeper, In thy wounds O lamb
Might even in this time my Love
So nigh draw thou, As if my eyes saw them.
The theme of greatest glory. And many others select-
ed by her. <date>June 21</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>st</date></hi><date> 1792</date> it pleased her beloved Savi-
our to translate her in a sudden, and by us, unexpected
manner into the Joy of her Lord in the 79 Year of
her Age. 

The following Meditations of our late Sister were
found amongst her Papers.

Thoughts on the Cross of Christ.
There is no subject of more weight, or more wothy of
employing our thoughts and Consideration, than the Cross
of Christ. But alas! how little do Mankind in general
think it worth their while to reflect upon it, and how seldom
are they concerned as they ought to be, to weigh this highest