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See my Book of Materials for Memoirs
Some few remarkable Events in the Course of Life of
<persname>Martha Nyberg</persname>.

I was born in the City of <placename>New York in America</placename> the <date>4</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of
February 1725</date>. My Parents were <persname>William</persname> and <persname>Elizabeth
Bryant</persname>- people who were much respected in those parts.
They feared God and sought to bring up their children in the
same manner. This our religious education proved a shick[?] upon
us even after, and preserved us from outward enormities. My
Mother's Parents were of those people called Hugonots<add>uenots</add> who
<sic>emegrated</sic>  <corr>emigrated</corr> out of <placename>France</placename> at the time of the great persecution about
the Year <date>1700</date>; they left their friends and fortunes for Cons[????]
and the Lord's sake. After my Grandmother had spent some
Years in <placename>London</placename>, praising and thanking the Lord for this free en-
joyment of her religion, and with prayers and tears admonist-
ing her children to cleave to the Lord with full [?????] of Least,
she finished her Course in a very blessed manner, which made a
deep impression on my dear Mother's mind. These circumstances
she often related to her children, with tender emotion, begging the
Lord that she and hers might be partakers of the same Grace
which her Mother enjoyed; which petition has been graciously an-
swered to the third and fourth generations, for our dear Saviour has
in mercy, for his own love's sake, called many of our family into
his eternal Joy. Both my dear Parents departed this Life happi-
ly, especially my Mother of blessed memory, whose death was
much lamented. After she had in a suitable manner exhorted all
her children who stood about her Bed, to devote themselves to the
Lord in their Youth, she closed her eyes, uttering as some of her last
words, that she departed this Life, depending wholly and alone as