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as to the salvation of the souls confined with=
=in the walls of her own House; no one could
be more pleased, to hear the invitations of Jesus,
as the Friend of sinners, closely and zealously
pressed upon the public auditory. And in one
of her last interviews with her medical advis=
=er who had faithfully and assiduously attended 
upon her, for the last years of her suffering life,
She exclaimed; "Ah, dear Sir, If I could say
"one word for the good of your soul, I should be
"thankful, but the Lord, alone can do that. I
"assure you I have no goodness of my own, but
"I trust solely in the merits of my Saviors suffering
"and death." The blessings which she experienced 
in the more private meetings of the Congregation,
were very dear to her; and when necessitated to
absent her-self on account of a total inability,
from such opportunities. - She did not fail to
call to mind her past impressions, which <emotion>proved
a great comfort and encouragement to her. -</emotion>
But of all other meditations, that of the Atone=
=ment of our Savior was her peculiar delight. -
On this subject <emotion>she warmly expressed on being re=
=minded it was <date>Good-Friday</date>.</emotion> Ah! said she,
"What has my Dear Savior, suffered for me!
"what are all my light sufferings when compared
"with His: and how much reason have I to thank
"and praise Him for His unmerited goodness." After