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her for the glory of the world to come. The holy
Ghost discovered unto her all the remaining traces
of her natural depravity and wrought such a Po-
verty of spirit in her, that she gladly forgot all
her good work and even wondered, how the B.<hi rend="superscript">rn</hi>
& S.<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi> could show so much love and kindness to her;
for which she was heartily thankful. The merits
of Jesus Christ were exceedingly precious to her
and his bitter sufferings afforded her much com-
fort in her pains. She would often say: oh!
& how deplorable would now be my condition,
if I had not a Savior, if I cou'd not believe in
Him and lay hold on his precious promises.
God be praised! He has forgiven me all my
Sins, and washed them away by <add>with</add> his precious
blood; I have no righteousness of my own to
trust in; but I know, that He loveth me,
& that He will not cast me out, when I come
to him; I am his blood-bought property.
As we were once speaking together about
a certain class of people, who treat their Sal-
vation but superficially, and rather will ex-
cuse than bemoan their fault, she said:
I thank our Savior, that He has never suffered
me, to be careless or indifferent about my
Salvation, but has enabled me thro' grace,