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me <emotion>great joy and satisfaction,</emotion> to see assembled at the
Synod, so many dear and respectable Servants and 
Landmaids of the Lord and his Brethren's Unity,
many of whom were my old friends and acquaint-
ances, but some till then unknown to me. <emotion>It was a
great joy and favor to me,</emotion> to belong to such a people,
whose only object was to love, and to be devoted with
all their hearts, to that dear Lord and friend of sinners
who did not think it too much to become a man
and lay down his life for such vile and worthless
<add>Creatures</add> as we are, and <emotion>it was no small comfort to me</emotion> to
feel my heart herein, in an entire union with them.
When I found myself in their midst <emotion>it was impos-
-sible for me to express my gratitude, as also the
feeling sense I had of my great unworthiness,</emotion> and
of my being the poorest, and most faulty among
them, and likewise of the many oddities belonging to
me in particular, which <emotion>caused me often to shed silent tears
of shame and abasement before our Saviour,</emotion> and made
me also frequently repeat to myself, "Thou tak'st thy de-
light <add>in</add> things worthless and poor." I was at the same time very
happy, and felt the near presence of the Head and Elder of
his Cong<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">n</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi> in the midst of this dear Company of his servants
and at the concluding meeting of the Synod, <emotion>I felt such
heart-melting and overpowering grace and nearness</emotion>
of our Saviour blessed Lord and Saviour, as will remain