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every comfort that lay in her
power, & who was truly devoted to
her Saviour, & to those services to
which they were called in the
<orgname>church of the Brethren</orgname>. _
Her children have lost in her an
affectionate, faithful, & discreet mo=
-ther, who was always solicitous to
promote their present & eternal
happiness. So the poor she was,
as far as her abilities went a be=
=nevolent friend. She had been in
a declining state of health for
several years, having had repeated 
paralytic seizures, the last of
which she had on <date>March the 11</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi>
which [??]ned her left side and
rendered her left hand almost useless,
from whence it became evident that
her continuance here below could not
be much longer. She was herself
aware of it, & often spoke of her dis=
-solution as not being far distant. _
her mind was fully prepared to meet
this event, & her humility & confidence
in her Saviour, & love to him, as also
the gratitude she expressed for all
the mercies & favors she enjoyed
was very edifying. She had no
doubts & fears to perplex her mind