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to see his children again. This ob=
=stacle appears removed, as we have
received a call to <placename>Kingswood</placename>, where
we hope to serve our Saviour in that
small Cong<hi rend="superscript">n</hi>. _
From this short account of our late be=
-loved & respected Sisters course thro'
time, drawn up by herself, It is apparent,
that her earnest wish & prayer was to
enjoy in her soul, all those blessings
which our gracious Lord has merited for
his followers, & to devote herself to him and
to his service in the <orgname>church of the Brethren</orgname>.
She was indeed deeply sensible that she
was a sinner, & that all her happiness &
salvation was free grace & mercy, flowing
from the merit of Christs blood & death.
She took great delight in frequenting the
assemblies of Gods People, & never suffered
any thing to prevent her attendance, even
when it was thought not advisable on
account of her great dibility. She often
mourned over those, who on any trivial oc=
-casion would vacate their seat in the
house of God, or suffer their secular
concerns to interfere with the higher
duties of their soul. Her sincereity
in her attachments to her Saviour & his
service to which she had devoted herself
was very edifying. Her husband has
lost in her an affectionate partner,
who made it her study to afford him