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The Life of the M<hi rend="superscript">d</hi> Sister <persname>Marg. Evans</persname> whose Maiden
Name was Lewis who has dictated the following _____
I was Born <date>Sept 23 1723</date> at <placename>Clambad</placename> in <placename>Rolnorshire</placename>[?]
My Mother was a Religious Woman & bro.<hi rend="superscript">h</hi> me up as well as
She co.<hi rend="superscript">d</hi> according to her knowledge. When I was about 5 Years
Old, I had such a Conviction that I thought every Creature did
obey God by my Self, but this impression wore off. In my 8<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>
Year I felt my fallen estate & begd the Lord to forgive my
backsliding, & was glad when I co<hi rend="superscript">d</hi> have the House to mySelf
in my heart, notwithstanding this did not abide but was
forgotten till my 12<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> Year when I was awakend by hearing
the Methodists. Some young peopel persuaded me to go to
a Dancing at a Wake, but when I went into the Room &
Saw my Sister, I calld her out to come home directly & so
return'd, my heart was ready to break feeling such an
Aversion to such things. I continued to hear the
preaching of different persons, but felt a particular lik-
ing to hear <persname>M</persname><hi rend="superscript"><persname>r</persname></hi><persname> Beauman</persname>. I went <add>to</add> the Com<hi rend="superscript">m</hi> at the Church
when ab.<hi rend="superscript">t</hi> 14 Years of Age. The last time I heard <persname>M</persname><hi rend="superscript"><persname>r</persname></hi><persname>
Beauman</persname>, he said he was going to <placename>Hauerfordwerts</placename>
but there is a people calld the Brethren, keep you to our
Sav<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> & he will bring you to them. I felt what he said was
right, & soon found that the Meeting that w<hi rend="superscript">ch</hi> were kept there
did not suit me & they began to persecute me, & they said I
dump'd their Meetings, as I co.<hi rend="superscript">d</hi> not Relish what was said,
but our d<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> Sav<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> was very near to me & made my Cup[?] run over
w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> his Love. This Scripture often came in my mind, [?]