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views than the hope of obtaining more
trusty servants in those Negroes to whom
they gave the means of Christian Instruc-
tion, & when the preaching of the gospel
exposed the works of darkness, & Negroes
living in sin were excluded from the
fellowship of the baptized, their Masters
who felt this as a reflection on their
own sinful lives, withdrew their sup-
port, The state of religion in this
Island was deplorable.There was no
consecrated place of worship in the
whole Island, & when divine service
was occasionally held at the town house
by the Govenor's Chaplain, it was ve-
ry thinly attended by the white people.
However <persname>M</persname><hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript"><persname>r</persname></hi></hi><persname> Hamilton</persname> & his friends
others continued kind & dear Friends to
us, till he & two other principal friends
of the cause were removed by death.
In the same year the yellow fever
carried off one fourth of the white peo-
ple, without injuring the Negros. This
encouraged the latter to make a plot
for murdering all the white people &
mulattoes & seizing the Island for them-