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<gap></gap>and scorching sun by day, which
we had undergone. But the Lord had
determined otherwise. He graciously
supported my mind under all these
trials, & gave me the assurance, that
he would preserve us, though in the
midst of danger. "Bless the Lord, [?]
my Soul, & forget not all his benefits."
<gap></gap>We remained in <placename>Jamaica</placename> about 5
years. Here we had many heavy
trials, & much sickness, notwith-
standing which we should have
wished to remain longer then, -but
my dear husband's health impera-
tively demanding a change of climate,
we were obliged to return to <placename>England</placename>.
In looking over the time spent in
<placename>Jamaica</placename>, I see numberless instances
of my Saviour's long suffering & loving-
kindness to <emotion>rejoice over & be thankful
for</emotion>, & also many <hi rend="underline">many</hi> shortcomings
of my own to <emotion>mourn over</emotion>; but I trust
that our labors there were not alto-
gether in vain. <gap></gap>Our Lord blessed