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year was permitted added to the choir
of Girls. I felt much on leaving the chil-
dren's choir, in which I had enjoyed so
much of my Saviour's nearness, where
we brought him our united supplica-
tions, or when I retired to weep for him
in private. <date>July 9</date> following, I was rec<hi rend="superscript">d</hi>
into the Cong<hi rend="superscript">n</hi>; but having to wait some
time for admission to the Lord's supper,
I could not understand it, as I had
made it a subject of frequent prayer,
and hitherto the Lord had always heard
me. On reflection, I said it was to teach
me not to trust in my own strength,
or diligence, or virtue, or good educa-
tion, and to wean me from the danger-
ous self complacency which I cherish-
ed on account of these things. And
my faithful Saviour <sic>succeded</sic>  <corr>succeeded</corr> in
convincing me that I was possessed
of nothing good.
When I attained to the first enjoy-
ment of the Holy Communion, <date>Oct 10
1782</date>, I felt how blessed it is to be
poor in spirit, and to receive his mer-