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and in this second marriage God gave him nine children, of whom six are still living.
     In the year <date>1750</date> he was received into the Unity; and in <date>1752</date> he attended the
Holy Communion for the first time.
     In <date>1763</date> he moved to <placename>Manakesy</placename>, to be nearer a school-house, but as there he
could get only one hundred acres of land, and had no water, he sold that farm, and
in <date>1772</date> moved with his family to <placename>Wachovia</placename>, and established himself three miles from
     Of his life here it can be said, according to his own testimony, that he loved
the Savior, and in spite of failings and errors it was his intention to rejoice His
heart. That his joy was in the word of God and in the services of the church was
manifest. When because of advanced age he could no longer ride a horse it was his
custom to walk the three miles from his home in order to attend the services. In 
the midst of all the difficulties which surrounded him, he permitted nothing to dis-
turb his association with the congregation, and often said that the Savior was his One
and his All, his only Comfort and Support, and he longed constantly to be at home
with Him. All who knew him honored him as a peace-loving and upright man.
     As late as the <date>11th of this month</date> he came to service, and as usual he was
happy and affectionate. The same evening he had a hard fall, which apparently re-
vived an old injury which he had received in a fall last spring, and from which he
seemed to have recovered. The same evening he must go to bed, and it soon became
evident that this was to be the cause of his home-going. The pain which he suf-
fered was much increased by a severe cough, yet he was bright and content when the
blessedness of being with Jesus was pointed out to him. He said that he did not know
what the plan of the Saviour was, but he was entirely ready to submit to His will,
and that he could gladly say that nothing disturbed his mind.
     On the day before his home-going he was visited by several Brethren from here.
He was quite cheerful and affectionate, and folded his hands together. He remained
conscious to the end, and passed away gently and peacefully toward evening on the
<date>20th day of this month</date>. His age was 89 years, 5 months, and 18 days. He is now in
     Of his twenty-three children by his first and second marriages eleven are still
living. He left 62 grandchildren and 56 great-grandchildren, so that as far as we
can learn, the entire number of his still living children and children's children
is 129. 

I hereby certify that I have
translated the above directly
from the original in the <placename>Salem
Moravian Archives</placename>
Signed        <persname>Adelaide L. Fries</persname>

                   <persname>Adelaide L. Fries</persname>,