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<gap></gap><hi rend="underline"> Lives
of some Brethren, who departed in <placename>Beth,
lehem</placename> in the Months of <date>September & October
1. Life of our late Br. <hi rend="underline"><persname>Rudolph Strehle</persname>.</hi>
He writes himself: I was born <date>June 29</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>. 1712 </date>
at <placename>Entringen</placename> a Market Town in the Duchy of
<placename>Wirtenberg</placename>. In my tenderest Infancy I had al-
ready a Feeling of our Savr. & liked to learn
Hymns of my Mother which treated of him. From
my 7<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>. Year I went to School, & learned with Plea-
sure. In my 11<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>. Year my Mother fell deadly sick
& my Father being also sickly, it came very impressiv-
ly into my Mind, that I soon might be a poor Orphan
& come among strange People, I went into the Field
& prayed God with Tears on my Knees, to save my
Soul, <add>in</add> otherwise <add>things</add> he might do with me as he pleased,
Some Days after my Mother departed. Being 16
Years of Age, my Father brought me to <placename>Tubingen</placename>
to learn the Mason Trade, & 6 Weeks after he
also departed this Time. I still retained a Concern
about my Salvation, however by Seduction I fell