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of the Maquai-Indians, & was afterwards em-
ployed on divers Maner <add>ogrious Ways</add> amongst white Peo-
ple & Indians, & served at last by an <add>at the Boys</add> <sic>Oeco-
nomy</sic> <corr>Economy </corr>at Boys<corr> </corr>at <placename>Fredericktown</placename>. In the Year
<date>1751</date> we were called back to Europe, from
which Time till <date>1769</date> I served in <sic>divers</sic> <corr>diverse</corr>
Congregations in England as Minister.
Then we were called to <placename>Gnadau</placename>, made a Visit
in <date>April</date> in <placename>Herrnhut</placename>, where we found an
Employment unexpected to us. The <date>8</date><hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi><date> of Oct. 
1779</date> it pleased my dear Lord to place me in
the Widowers-State, whor eat <add>about which</add> he himself has
comforted me. Our Marriage has been blessed
in America with 3 Children & in England also
with 3 Children. My happy Wife has had
the Pleasure shortly before her Departure to
see her 3 Children from England She is now
in Peace; but i am yet in the Valley of
Tears & feel, how the mortal Body pressath
me. But my Spirit & Soul are longing for
the Appearance of my Saviour, when he also

[page break] 

will call me in <add>to</add> the eternal Rest into his
Arm & Bosom. O who shall know what is
happening when he sees Face to Face the
Man of Sorrows! Written in <date>May 1782</date>
    So far his own Account.
His Choir is yet adding: We can give the
Testimony to our late Brother, that he has gone on
carried in our Choir <add>in</add> an happy & editying
Walk <add>Course</add>. He thought mean of himself. His Heart
was <add>so</add> penetrated of the Love, Blood & Death
of Jesus, that by <add>upon</add> all Opportunity <add>Occasions</add>, <add>as well</add> both 
<sic>publickly</sic> <corr>publicly</corr> and in private Conversation his
Mouth was overflowinged of it. He loved
heartily, served his B<hi rend="superscript"><hi rend="underline">rn</hi></hi><hi rend="underline"></hi> & S<hi rend="superscript"><hi rend="underline">rs</hi></hi> where of was <add>ever he could, </add>
possible to him, & was also universally <add>be</add> loved.
The first Years of his Widowers-State he
served as well in the Congregation as before,
and also in our Choir with Grace & Blessing.
But soon an old Hurt on his Head appeared <add>broke out</add>
anew, whereof the Consequence was, that