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Occasion this Place was called <placename>Bethlehem</placename>.
The <date>22 of Febr. 1742</date> I was ordained at the
Synod at <add>in</add> <placename>Oley</placename>. On this solemn Day of Grace
& Blessing also the first 3 Indians were
also baptized. In <date>July</date> I was married with
<persname>Susana Bennezet</persname> from <placename>Philadelphia</placename>. I was
|Adjunctus| Assistant of the Ordinary in <placename>Philadelphia</placename>
|: he had as it is known rece accepted there 
the Office of a Lutheran Minister :| but <add>I</add> was
the <date>29 of July</date>, from <add>by</add> an exasperated and drunk-
en Mob violently drawn from the Pulpit
whereupon in the Name of the Reformed
the Church was taken in Possession <add>of</add>. We went
with a Part of the Congregation to our
Lodging, where the divine Service was con-
tinued, & so we went on in this Manner, till
a new Church was built & dedicated the <date>23</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>rd</date></hi><date>
of Nov.</date> After the Departure of the Ordinary
in <date>Jan. 1743</date> I with my Wife moved to <placename>Conrad
Weisser</placename>, to learn from him the Language of
the Macquai Indians & to instruct his Chil-
dren. After 3 Months we moved to the Indians

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partly to profit & more in their Language, &
partly to see, if Mere something <add>was</add> to be done a-
mongst them for the Brethren <add>our Savr</add>. On a Visit
by the Indian Congregation in <placename>Shekomeko</placename>
& <placename>Pachgatgoch</placename> <add>in <date>June</date></add> I was arrested with the <persname>Brethren
Martin Mack & Shaw</persname>, & brought to<placename> New-Mill-
ford in Connecticut</placename>. The Impeachment <add>Accusation</add> was
that we preached in strange Parishes |: The
whole Country is namely divided in Parishes,
& the Land of the Indians being contained
in it; it was impossible for the Brethren to
preach the Gospel to the Indians, without
to preach in on or other Parish :| By <add>At</add> the Trial
we had <unclear><add>[?]</add></unclear><add></add> Opportunity oftentimes, to testify of
our Ground of Salvation. After having been
dismissed, I continued with my Wife our Jour-
ney in the Land of the Macquai Indians, where
we lived, near an Indian town in great Po-
verty, Difficulty & Danger. In <date>Sept.</date> we return-
ed to <placename>Bethlehem</placename> In <date>Febr. 1744</date> I began to
instruct some B<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">rn</hi></hi>. & S<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">rs</hi></hi>. in the Language