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had never heard Such preaching before
[?] affected me very much, and when he
Came of that Text of <sic>rightuousness</sic>  <corr>righteousness</corr>, i was
<add>Stript</add> of all my <sic>rightiousness</sic>  <corr>righteousness</corr> <sic>wich</sic>  <corr>which</corr> i had before
to <sic>biuld</sic>  <corr>build</corr> upon before, for it was a very
poor for <sic>foundatian</sic>  <corr>foundation</corr>. i went then more Con
, as i was before, but i was glad i had
<sic>haard</sic>  <corr>heard</corr> him: about a year after i removed
to <sic><placename>neww</placename></sic><placename>   </placename><corr><placename>new</placename></corr><placename> york</placename> and then i fell Sick my <sic>frinds</sic>  <corr>friends</corr> 
Thought i Would die and i was ConCernd about
my poor Soul and could find no <unclear>[?]</unclear>
or <sic>reLeas</sic>  <corr>reLease</corr> for my <sic>distresst</sic>  <corr>distressed</corr> mind, but i Thought
i Should not die then, and <sic>fermly</sic>  <corr>firmly</corr> believed
if i Should not die then reCover that the
lord would give that i Should Live <add>him</add> for then
i reCovered a <sic>Litle</sic>  <corr>Little</corr> and we moved to <placename>Staten</placename>
<sic><placename>yland</placename></sic><placename>  </placename><corr><placename>island</placename></corr> <sic>aginn</sic>  <corr>again</corr>, where i found a few <sic>aquaintes</sic>  <corr>acquaintances</corr> <sic>wich</sic>  <corr>which</corr>
was awakened, <sic>wich</sic>  <corr>which</corr> made <add>me</add> more ConCernd to Seek
for merCy, and one day i felt very angry
for Something <sic>Wich</sic>  <corr>Which</corr> i thought i Should
not, and i felt So much <sic>gilt</sic>  <corr>guilt</corr> that i <sic>thuoght</sic>  <corr>thought</corr>
what Shall i do now <sic>thiere</sic>  <corr>there</corr> is no merCy
and that night my <sic>husbund</sic>  <corr>husband</corr> went out
and when my Children was in the Bed
i <sic>Cryed</sic>  <corr>Cried</corr> for MerCy