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with God: I can say that the Lord did so unto Me, and He
by his Grace let me see the universal Corruption of Youth,
and how much I stood in Need of his Grace and of his
fatherly Protection; and the Lord also shewd Me, that He
as my God did watch over me with paternal Care.
<gap></gap>In the Year <date>1723.</date> after I had lived in <placename>New York</placename>
6 Years, the Lord led me to the married State with my
Husband <persname>Luke Brasher</persname>; I believed it to be the Lord's
Will, an fully; and his Grace inclined me to be obedient,
and thro' his Guidance We Two became One. My Husband
brought me into his Mother's House, who received Me
as her Child, and She was also the Cause of my Husband
first taking a Liking unto Me. <gap></gap>I had more Inclination
to continue in a single State, than to enter into the Mar-
-ried I prayd unto the Father of all Grace, that He would
guide, lead and counsel Me, how to behave my Self in
this very weighty Affair <add>Action</add>; and the Lord heard Me in this,
and thro' his Grace drawd My Heart unto Himself, so
that I many Times said, What shall I repay the Lord
for all his Mercies and fatherly Kindness to Me poor
Sinner? Then I heard as if spoken unto my Heart

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Give Me your Heart. And I said, O Lord! I am a 
great Sinner, how shall I give You my Heart? Then
the Lord shewd Me that there is a spiritual Marriage,
and that the Lord Jesus is the true Bridegroom of the Soul.
<gap></gap>At this Time I had more Confidence to the Father
than to the Son, tho' the Lord drawd me with his Grace
and Love, powerfully, Night and Day unto his Son,
teaching and instructing Me as a Father does his Child.
I felt a Desire in my Heart to give my Self over to our
Saviour. <gap></gap>I was at this Time much oppressd with my
Misery and condemnd Condition, I tho<hi rend="superscript">t</hi>. on the prodigal
Son, and how friendly his Father embraced him, and <unclear>kipd</unclear>
him and <sic>rejoyced</sic>  <corr>rejoiced</corr> over him; this gave me Hopes of Mer-
-cy, I prayd for the Forgiveness of all my Sins & Misdeeds
for Jesus's Sake, and the Lord Jesus forgave my Sins,
Saying, Daughter, Your Sins are forgiven unto You.
And I believed the Word of the Lord. <gap></gap>In these Beginning
of Grace, I found my Heart so thankful and rejoiced, to
-wards the Lord Jesus, and desirous to abide in his Love,
that I tho<hi rend="superscript">t</hi>. now will I die unto Sin, and henceforth
walk in Newness of Life. <gap></gap>I desired to be a Commu-
-nicant in the Church of Christ, and I searchd my Heart