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again admitted me to the Holy Sacrament. <gap></gap>Our Saviours faith
=ful care brought me more and more into a happy Path so
that I could go to him with all my Concerns and complain
to him when any thing offer'd to Disturb my Peace. The <date>17</date><hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi><date>.
of June 1763</date> I had the favour of being admitted a Member of
the <orgname>Hourly Intercessors</orgname> which has been a great Blessing and
futherance to my heart." <gap></gap>Thus far he wrote his Life
to which we add: <gap></gap>He learnt continually more and more
to commit himself to the Care of the great <sic>Physeician</sic>  <corr>Physician</corr> of
Soul and Body as his Patient, and found Sufficient Cause
to thank and Praise him for doing so much for his Soul
This he freely testified to others, and was for some Years
one of the Visitors and keeper of Bands in his Choir as well
as having the care of a Room committed to him. As He was
very <sic>strickt</sic>  <corr>strict</corr> in Matters relating to his Heart and the heart of
Jesus, He was the same in all things committed to his care
He was a faithful and Industrious Brother in his <sic>Busness</sic>  <corr>Business</corr>
and could scarce be reconciled to it when his Ill Health
<sic>hindred</sic>  <corr>hindered</corr> him from following the same which was about
three Years <sic>agon</sic>  <corr>ago</corr>, and left nothing undone to recover his
Strength, for which reason in the Year <date>1766</date> He took a Jour=
=ney to the <placename>Ronneberg Bath</placename>, But it did not answer the intent
At his Return he was indeed for a short time <sic>ennabled</sic>  <corr>enabled</corr>
to assist in the Shop, but in 3 Months time was obliged to
give it up Having a Complaint in the left Hand which 
was obliged to be laid open and was not fully cured
before his Death. <gap></gap>A Disorder in His Neck which he
had been troubled with some Years was at length the means
to his Release which he had long most ardently wish'd for
He partook the Holy Sacrament in his Sick bed and then