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He spent his time in earnest longing to be with his beloved Jesus
His Memory had been for some time pretty much weaken'd and he seldom
attended to what was talk'd off, But when the Discourse turn'd to heart
Matters, he was presently cheerful and attentive expressing himself in
such a Manner that it was a pleasure to hear him  He believ'd his most
beloved and Faithful Friend would soon call him to his Presence, and
would not take any Medicines: Sayings nothing keeps me and nothing
helps me Yet when he was <sic>perswaded</sic>  <corr>persuaded</corr> not to refuse the Application
of Medicines <sic>intirely</sic>  <corr>entirely</corr>, then he was childlike and said do what you
will with your poor Engelbach you are good Bretheren, Oh you give
yourselves so much trouble I know it very well and am sorry for it
I will be obedient but you must have a great deal of Patience with
me. Often he pour'd out his heart before our Saviour and repeated
incessantly this Request  Oh take me hearts beloved Saviour there is
nothing between us we understand each other I am ready. After
the <sic>Injoyment</sic>  <corr>Enjoyment</corr>  of the Holy Sacrament on the <date>5</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi> Instant he
counted the days and hours and sigh'd in a moving Manner
come dear Saviour come and take me. The Oppression at his
Breast deprived <add>him</add> of the freedom of Speech but he was attentive to
all that pass'd and made signs and smild on the Brn: that
came to see him in which manner he likewise express'd his
desire to receive the Last Blessing, and with great difficulty
pronounced the words: He hastens! The <date>12</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi> at noon he folded
his Hands and received the Blessing of the Cong.<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> and his Choir
and God. With the verse: Now let his Mouth Expiring on thy
dear Breast recline &c<hi rend="superscript">a</hi> his Breath stopd and he fell
sweetly <sic>assleep</sic>  <corr>asleep</corr> leaving a fine look on his Countenance
Aged 59 Years 19 days.