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as I observ'd above, I had obtain'd a promise from our dear Saviour
that I should come to his People, but that did not come to pass till
the year <date>1756</date>. In the year <date>1751</date> I came to <placename>Treweiler</placename> as Chaplain
and Inspector. Here at length the Hour of my deliverance 
struck. I was severly taken to task for my <sic>Conexion</sic>  <corr>Connection</corr> with the Brns
Cong.<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> and after several storms I was required to seperate myself
from them, to quit The Herrnhuters Errors, to deny the People of
God and condemn their Doctrine. This I could not do, but chose
rather to bear the Reproach of Christ and was also removed, and
sat out for <placename>Newwied</placename> in the Year <date>1756</date>. Here I became partak-
=er of the Cong.<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> Grace and the same year attaind to the Parti=
=cipation of the Greatest Good in the Holy Sacrament, with the
Cong.<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> The Next Year I receiv'd a Call from the Countess to
be her Chaplain and to preach a Sermon every Sunday at
her <sic>Chapple</sic>  <corr>Chapel</corr>, which I accepted with the Consent of my Brn:
and continued in this office <sic>untill</sic>  <corr>until</corr> the year <date>1759</date> In which year
I attended the Disciples Household which spent some weeks to
all and Particularly to my great Blessing at <placename>Newwied</placename> and went
with them to <placename>Holland</placename>. Shortly before Christmas I returnd with the
same hither to <placename>Herrnhuth</placename> and removed into my beloved Choir House
in which during an abode of near 4 years I have had the Happiness
to enjoy Numberless Blessings and <sic>Benifits</sic>  <corr>Benefits</corr>.
Thus far his own Words
By reason of the Vacancy at <placename>Berthelsdorff</placename> occasion'd by the death
of Br. <persname>Groh</persname> our d.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> Brother often preach'd there with great Blessing
so as he likewise frequently Preach'd here in <placename>Herrnhuth</placename> on Sundays.
In the Fall of the year <date>1763</date> he receiv'd a call to preach the <sic>Gosple</sic>  <corr>Gospel</corr>
at the little church in <placename>Altona</placename> which he cheerfully accepted of from
our Saviours Hands and sat our for that place in <date>September</date>.
His much blessed service in the <sic>Gosple</sic>  <corr>Gospel</corr> at that Place our Brn and
Sisters have heard in the Journals. His Sermons was so much fre=
=quented that Room often faild the Hearers, And we have many

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being witnesses which prove that his Testimony was attended with Spirit
and power. In the Year <date>1767</date> he visited the Directorey at <placename>Zeyst</placename>
where he stayd 2 Months to his great Blessing as he has expres'd both
verbally and in his Letters. Towards the Latter end of <date>June</date> this year
He came hither with our d.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> Lords Approbation for to rest and refresh
himself. He enterd his Choir House in a weakly state of Body but
with Joy and thankful Tears, moved into his former Chamber, com=
=mended himself to his Brns: Love and Favour and told them our
Saviour would prepare and soon take him to Rest. He was very
tender and Affectionate and saluted every Br he saw with much
Love. Often express how happy he was in living among his People
and <sic>injoying</sic>  <corr>enjoying</corr> all good things in the Lords House daily. He never
miss'd the Meetings notwithstanding his weakness often <sic>keept</sic>  <corr>kept</corr> the
Morning and Evening Meetings in his Choirs house and spoke tender
Evangelical with such Brn as he was particularly <sic>accquainted</sic>  <corr>acquainted</corr> with
and was Legitamated as a faithful Heart towards our Saviour and
the Brn. His Heart was devoted to our Saviour, and attach'd to his
Suffrings as a poor Sinner, and cleav'd to him with Body and
Soul. Often this Expression was <sic>dropt</sic>  <corr>dropped</corr> from his Lips: Oh that Mer=
=ciful and Long Suffring heart of Jesus! O that Merciful and long
Suffring Heart. The <date>8</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of October</date> he was at the Love feast and
the Holy Sacrament. The next day it appeard plainer that he
would not continue here much Longer, he set his outward <sic>afairs</sic>  <corr>affairs</corr>
in order that he might be quite easy in regard to what he should
leave behind him. The <date>10</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi> he joyfully took to his Bed and be-
=gan to speak fervently to our Saviour and said with numberless
Tears: Oh thou most beloved Heart! Merciful Long Suffring and of
great Goodness and Truth; Oh Lord Jesus how shall I sufficiently
thank thee; I am not worthy of such Love grace and <sic>Benifits</sic>  <corr>Benefits</corr>
which thou has bestow'd on me. After a little pause he resumed
his Disourse which had been interrupted by the Floods of Tears
which flow'd from his Eyes and concluded with this verse Oh
did each Pulse thy Praises beat, each breath my thankfulness repeat.