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me and <gap>alton'd</gap> me to <gap>??????????</gap> right, at which one of them was so <gap>en???</gap>
that he held a pistol to my Breach, but our Saviour preservd me from
getting hurt. This affair moved the General Field Marshal <persname>Tehweir</persname>
to send for me, but as soon as I was there, I was spoke against in every
<unclear>Pulpittr</unclear>. The General not being able to quiet the rage of the Clergy,
I was examined by the Consistory, and <unclear><gap>aliho</gap></unclear> they could prove nothing
against me, was forbid to keep Meetings at the Castle. The General
often <sic>Perswaded</sic>  <corr>Persuaded</corr> me to Communicate, but the Parson would not allow
it; and when the Consistory gave him orders to Admit me, I was first
of all examined, in the <sic>Publich</sic>  <corr>Public</corr> Church, as <sic>tho</sic>  <corr>though</corr> I was to do Pennance
for some Crime, upon which I receiv'd the Sacrament. The general
finding that the Alarm concerning me increas'd, put me to an orga
-nist at <placename>Shettin</placename>, that I might learn to play on the organ. But here
<persname>Pastor Tehinmeyer</persname> <sic>perswaded</sic>  <corr>persuaded</corr> me to abide with Him, which I accord=
=ingly did. The year following a comapny of Brn: Pass'd <sic>thro</sic>  <corr>through</corr> <placename>Shettin</placename>
to <placename>Copenhagen</placename>. I visited them by Night, and my heart was so taken
with them, that I would fain have gone with them. Sometime after
The Consistory took me as a Preparant, but I would not Accept of
any Theological Office, the offer was made me of the first Civil or
Military Office that should present itself, after waiting 3 Years to
no purpose, I became Preceptor to a Gentlemans 7 Children here it
did not fail on good proposals, and I <sic>belive</sic>  <corr>believe</corr> I should have settled there
had not the Children been <sic>Seperated</sic>  <corr>Separated</corr>, after their Mothers Decease the
Relations taking of them. The prince of <placename>Anhaltzerlst</placename>, Governor of
<placename>Shettin</placename>, with whom I was acquainted, Procurd me a Controllers Office
which brought me a good Income, This Prince was very kind to me
and offer'd me a Helpmake out of his House, but that was on such
Conditions that I could not accept and for which reason I went to
<placename>Wolgast</placename>, and <unclear>Altho</unclear> a letter was sent after me, to <sic>enform</sic>  <corr>inform</corr> me that
all Difficulties was remov'd, yet I pursued my Journey to <placename>Stralsund</placename>,
intending to go to <placename>Stockholm</placename>. But <persname>Lieutenant Crassau</persname> had me
sought after, and took me with him to <placename>Rügen</placename>, where I taught
Children 2 Years and an half, and became acquainted with B.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>
<persname>Schick</persname>. Here I learn'd to know myself more thoroughly, and found

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that I was no <gap>????</gap> poor<gap>?????? ??????</gap> former Path was self made and
formal goodness, as I had many Na<gap>???? </gap>gifts. Now my Preaching was
sinful to me, and I found out my Envious heart because I was angry with
<persname>Brother Schick</persname>, notwithstanding he let me keep all the Meetings. On
account of these Meetings, myself and a Pastor was cited before the consis=
=tory, who forbid us keeping any more. <persname>Br. Schick</persname> going soon after to the
Congregation, I would fain have gone with him, but as I had still many
doubts remaining concerning my livelihood, I suffer'd myself to be <sic>preswaded</sic>  <corr>persuaded</corr>
to stay with M.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> <persname>Crassau</persname>, who was not willing to part with me. But soon
after the Brn: <persname>Becklind</persname> and <persname>Linde</persname> <sic>comeing</sic>  <corr>coming</corr> to us, all my difficulties
Vanish'd, and I <sic>apointed</sic>  <corr>appointed</corr> the <date>4</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of May</date> for my departure with the
Watch Word: <hi rend="underline">Is there any one that will go take him with ye</hi>. As I was
going to set out, 3 Sisters came who would go to the Cong.<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> which the
Brn: thought Proper to send with me, <sic>tho</sic>  <corr>though</corr> I had no Inclination to do it
and really thought how to leave them on the way, but as I was crossing
a small Bridge over a Ditsch, I fell into the water, and should have
been drown'd had not the Sisters been with me. The <unclear>first'h</unclear> Year
that I was at <placename>Herrnhaag</placename>, I was often in confusion concerning my out=
=ward affairs, and once on a Prayer day not being receiv'd into the
Congregation, I thought to go away, but our Saviour who had brought
me to the Cong.<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> drew so near my Heart, that I was quite bow'd in the
Dust before him, and the <date>25</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of April 1744</date> I had the unspeakable
grace to be receiv'd into the Congregation. The Brn: going once to the
Lord Supper at <placename>Marienborn</placename>, had desired me to assist the <persname>Masons</persname> who
was building a Chimney, and I fell down from the upper story to the
ground, so that I was 15 weeks confined before I recoverd myself, as soon
as I got well, I went out to daily Labour, but could not hold it out and
was ill 7 weeks. The Brn: then put me to learn the Needle Makers
Trade. The <date>13</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of November 1746</date> I partook the holy Sacrament, from
which time on, I had a quiet cheerful and happy Path, and in the
year <date>1747</date> brother <persname>Johannes</persname> admitted into the single Brus Covenant.
In the <unclear>sitting</unclear> Period <date>1748</date> I remaind still and quiet. The Brn would
fain have sent me on board the Irene as Cook of the Ship but my
Body was too weakly. In the year <date>1747</date> I came to <placename>Herrnhuth</placename> where
I was employ'd to sweep the House and Sleep Hall. In which year I was