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2. The single <persname>Brother Peter Laarsen</persname>.
(His own Account is the following)
I am born <date>1733. the 26</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>. of Sept.</date> at <placename>Steppingen
in Hollstein</placename>; There was my Vater a Farmer. He
& my Mother was awakened <sic>Poeple</sic>  <corr>People</corr> & sometimes
<sic>inquired</sic>  <corr>enquired</corr> of me: if I would not become our Sav<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi>. 
Property <sic>to</sic>  <corr>too</corr>? But I did't understand it the same
Time & did't harm myself much about it; however
sometimes when the talkd with me I could not
forbear weeping & promised it to them. They did all
they could to keep me back of all bad <sic>Compagnys</sic>  <corr>Companies</corr> & 
I to oblige them went often in their Meetings, where
I sometimes got a Impression in my Heart. To be
our Saviours I thought that's good enough, & to
go in the Meetings <sic>to</sic>  <corr>too</corr>; but I hoped to come
as well to right as other <sic>Poeple</sic>  <corr>People</corr>, if <sic>keepd</sic>  <corr>kept</corr> at a Distance
from the Brethren, but take Care not to go
in bad <sic>Compagnys</sic>  <corr>Companies</corr>. In this Time my Vater went
Home & that very happy & my Grand Mother
followed him as I was 16 Years of Age. By this
means as I thought about her: if She departed
Happy, & if She would come to our Saviour; I came
upon myself & found that I trembled in <sic>thincking</sic>  <corr>thinking</corr> on
Eternity, I <sic>feeld</sic>  <corr>felt</corr> I had not the Confidence in my
Heart which I <sic>remembred</sic>  <corr>remembered</corr> in the Brethren, they had.