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Heart, that it was a Joy to hear what our Saviour
did by his Silent & calm <sic>Comunication</sic>  <corr>Communication</corr> w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> him.
Deaf as he was, but he never <sic>ommitted</sic>  <corr>omitted</corr>, as long as he was
able to walk aswell the Meetings in the Congregation
as in his Choir & about so doing he explaind himself
as follows: I feel myself happy if I am only there, &
sit among my Brethren & Sisters & <sic>thinck</sic>  <corr>think</corr> on my
Saviour. He had much to do with his poor & weakly
Body, because he was <add>liable to</add> several very <sic>painfull</sic>  <corr>painful</corr> Occurences
so that very often <unclear>Canquisched</unclear> that our Sav.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> would make
an End of his Shmart & bring him to rest in his dear
Wounds. Since the <sic>begining</sic>  <corr>beginning</corr> of this Year, it could be
easily guessd that our Saviour was about to <sic>compleat</sic>  <corr>complete</corr>
him for Eternity, then a lingering Fever sized in steed
of his former Accidents upon him & confined him to
his Bed. By this Alteration his Spirit was <sic>activ</sic>  <corr>active</corr> com-
forted & heavenly contented <add>&</add> for all the Waiting &
Trouble which he thought to cause, tenderly thankful.
He grew like a tired Child which pineth for Rest;
& so expected his Disolution with a <sic>faithfull</sic>  <corr>faithful</corr> presence
of Mind. This blessed Moment st[???] followed the
<date>8</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of June </date>in the Morning at one a Clock, under
the Blessing of his Choir by these Words: So geh
then ein zu deiner Ruh, und eil den offnen Armen
zu. Sie nehmen dich auf zur gemein, wo Hauptw.
Hearts beysammen Seyn! When he <sic>happely</sic>  <corr>happily</corr> expired, in
the 77 Year of his Age.