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VIII The Matrone <persname>Susan Krishker</persname>
The following is a Account of herself:
I am born <date>1712 the 29</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of Sept</date>. at <placename>Hirsground</placename> in
<placename>Upper Silesie</placename>. I was but one Year old when my Vater
departed Life. In my 6<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> Year of Age I was inticed <add>drawn</add>
at once in my Heart to go in a Corner & there to fall
down & pray to dear God, which I accordingly did. 
As soon my Mother & Sisters perceived my doing
so (because I did it often) they was very hard to me
because they was afeareth that I should become to
melancholy & may be quite <sic>Braincraked</sic>  <corr>Braincracked</corr>.
Therefore I seek for such <sic>Poeple</sic>  <corr>People</corr>, which could tell me
what I wanted & did't know myself. This was soon