From Moravian Transcriptions
Revision as of 16:39, 21 February 2018 by MarleinaCohen (talk | contribs) (Created page with "away from the meetings, was a deri-<br /> vation and a grief to her. On the<br /> Thursday after she was seized [??]<br /> her last illness, she expressed her<br /> regret...")
away from the meetings, was a deri-
vation and a grief to her. On the
Thursday after she was seized [??]
her last illness, she expressed her
regret at being debaned this priv-
ilege and repeated the first line
of the verse, N<hi rend="superscript">o</hi> 732 _
One wish with holy transport warm
My heart hath formed & still doth form
One gift I ask, that to my end
Thine hallowed house I may attend to
She is now more highly favored
in being admitted to the great Cong<hi rend="superscript">n</hi>
and the true sanctuary. May we
follow her path, and so, through
grace, be permitted to share her