
From Moravian Transcriptions
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more a cause of mental suffering, than even of
bodily pain, though the latter was often of a trivi=
=al kind. I could however, at times, "Cast all my
"care upon Him, who cared for me." and believe
that all was working together for my souls good.
And I have no doubt, but every cross was a 
needful one, designed by my Heavenly Father,
and all wise Saviour to keep me nearer to Him-
-self. My dear Brother's care, was still a
great weight on my mind, and <emotion>embittered the
daily comforts of my life,</emotion> because I believed,
that after he was without a proper home, his com=
=forts were but few. In the summer of <date>1789</date> it
pleased God to relieve both him and myself from
this perplexity, by his being taken into the Family
of a kind Uncle, who treated him, as his own
child, and where he remained <sic>untill</sic>  <corr>until</corr> his marriage.
At the early age of 30 he was called out of
time into eternity. My spiritual enjoyments
were at this time, many and precious: I prized
my lot to live again in a Sisters house, where I
felt we were for the most part, of one heart, and
one mind. The meetings I also valued highly,
and can remember upon some occasions, when <emotion>I
have longed for the hour to strike which called us
to Chapel in the evening,</emotion> as much as a hungry
stomach would desire to be fed, at the usual
time, with a meal. I might, I think, be allowed