it pleased our Savior to call her dear
Husband into his everlasting rest.
The circumstances she was left in added
greatly to her <sic>distres</sic> <corr>distress</corr> <date>March 2</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>d</date></hi><date> 1802</date>
she was safely delivered of a healthy boy.
The symptoms of a consumption which
had appeared during her pregnancy, now
increased in the most rapid manner; her
speedy dissolution was evident to all around
her, that she herself, was very unwilling
to believe it: she once broke out into these
words: "Our Savior will surely never
deal thus with me, to take me from
my dear children the eldest not 3 years
old": the struggles of her mind on this
account were beyond description: about
the middle of <date>March</date> our merciful Savior
granted her resignation to his divine
will. Upon being visited by a friend
she expressed herself in the following
manner: "I am now not only resigned
but longing to go to our Savior: and
feel I can give my dear Children up
into the hands of Him who has