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any source, so as to be brought into
that happy track I had once been in.
But adored be my Saviors name that
He has had patience with me his poor
wandering sheep: On <date>Whitesunday</date> the same
year, having been appointed an intercessor
for the first time, when Keeping my hour
in a field by the S<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi> House, it was as if
the Lord spoke to me, and said "I will be..
troth thee unto me for ever." Those words
prov'd very comfortable to my poor unhap
py heart, and altho the load, under which
I had for a long time labour'd was in
some measure remev'd[?], yet I often thought
and reasoned whether those words were the
operation of the holy Spirit, or merely my
own fancy, as I always think it a nice
point to distinguish nature from grace,
but my Savior enabled me to lay hold of
that, and more of his precious promises,
which to weary and heavy laden Sinners -
such as I now feel myself - proves
strength, and consolation; I could now
feel the clouds were dispersing, and that
I could take refuge to the Lord when
storms were beginning to rise, on Him