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her for her kindness towards me, and 
withdrew. But never shall I forget what
passed in my soul after this interview. I
was roused as it were from sleep: and be=
=gan to ask myself, what had I been doing?
My conscience spoke aloud and accused me
of the basest ingratitude, and most unpardon=
=able neglect. The Holy Spirit, whose sacred
work it is to convince men of sin, set mine
before me in <sic>dreadfull</sic>  <corr>dreadful</corr> array, so that the
burthen of them seemed too great to be borne.
I passed the night in very great anxiety,
and the morning brought me no relief. I
sought to be alone, where I might give
vent to my grief without observation.
It being Sunday I however went to the fore=
=noon Preaching hoping to obtain some com=
=fort, but alas! my heart was not suffici=
=ently broken yet. The Congregation meet=
=ings which followed, I had leave to attend,
but I thought, no; they do not belong to
me; I have no right to sit in such an
assembly. But it was as if an inward
monitor compelled me, and resistance
was in vain. I therefore seated myself in
the Chapel, feeling as an out-cast, who
had neither part nor lot in the matter.
I endeavored to recollect that the Lord