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A Copy of the course of Life of the
Single Sister <persname>Sarah Christiana Nichols</persname>, who
Departed this Life at <placename>Tytherton in Wiltshire</placename>;
<hi rend="underline">as left in her own hand-writing.</hi>
It has frequently been a subject of doubt with
me whether I should leave my written account
of my course thro' time. The benefit Shave of=
=ten received from the testimonies of deceased
Brethren and Sisters has <emotion>made me feel ravish
also to declare what the Lord hath done for my
Soul</emotion>. (Impressed with this desire, most graci=
=ous God and Saviour, I entreat the aid of thy
Holy Spirit to teach and guide my heart and hand,
so that every sentence may be penned with the
only view to humble the sinner, and exalt the
Saviour, and to set forth the power of divine
<hi rend="underline">grace and mercy.)</hi>
<gap></gap>I was Born <date>December 12th. 1768.</date> at
<placename>Brinkworth in Wiltshire</placename>, my Parents were
members of the <orgname>Brethrens Church</orgname>, and the
meetings were held weekly at their house; so
that from early infancy I had the priviledge
of being instructed in the ways of Salvation.
My Dear Parents, whose chief concern it was
that their children might learn to know and