and we should feel it difficult to
convey to others the sense which we
entertain of her worth in all these
characters. But on this subject
we cannot even enter, <emotion>being prohibited
by her own express & reiterated desire</emotion>.
We can only say that we <emotion>cherish her
memory with the deepest affection
& veneration</emotion>; that we bless the Lord
for the grace bestowed upon her, &
exemplified in her public & private
capacity; & that while thankful
for the example she has set us, we
have often prayed that a double
portion of her spirit might rest upon
us. Her record was on high, & we
humbly yet confidently [?] she
was received then with the com-
mendation - "Well done, good &
faithful servant &e -
<gap></gap>Her own expression in relation
to this, shortly before her departure
was: Here is a sinner, who would fain
Through the Lamb's ransom entrance
gain! -