
From Moravian Transcriptions
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or as the subject of particular reflections.
She loved to hear verses repeated from
our Hymnbook, & seemed to derive
especial comfort from a hymn re-
peated to her just after she had been
crying out - "Dear Lord, how long"; -
& such expressions. It was this:
"Lord my times are in thy hand" &e
On the day previous to her departure,
there was an evident change in her
manner. She had always been affec-
tionate & kind, towards her children,
but now seemed doubly so, holding
out her hand & looking to kindly
at them as they came into her room.
<gap></gap>On the 12<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">th</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi> she felt feverish & [?], 
her hands & feet were much swollen
& her face flushed, but her mind
perfectly clear & collected.
Perceiving how much she suffered
from difficulty [not finished]