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<sic>uneseyness</sic>  <corr>uneasiness</corr> of mind hoping to find
better people & find rest for my heart
I <sic>travilled</sic>  <corr>traveled</corr> to <placename>London</placename> where I livd
9 years with a <sic>tradsman</sic>  <corr>tradesman</corr> in <placename>Smithfield</placename>
who trusted all his <sic>buysnis</sic>  <corr>business</corr> & cash in
my hands himself oft <sic>travilling</sic>  <corr>traveling</corr> ???
<sic>cuntrys</sic>  <corr>countries</corr> but on my being Awakend
he hated me he once <sic>tould</sic>  <corr>told</corr> me
that I rewined every servant that
came in his <sic>Hous</sic>  <corr>House</corr> there having
been 3 that became Awakened
In about the year <date>1738</date>
I first <sic>hard</sic>  <corr>heard</corr> the clear saving Gospel
by the Reverd <persname>George Whitfield</persname>
which to me was the power of God
here I got the first <sic>hop</sic>  <corr>hope</corr> of being savd
by Grace & not works
In this my awakend state I <sic>viss-
ited</sic>  <corr>visited</corr> my old Minister whom I thoug-
-ht should & would have <sic>incouragd</sic>  <corr>encouraged</corr>
& <sic>rejoycd</sic>  <corr>rejoiced</corr> with me in stead of which
he <sic>endavourd</sic>  <corr>endeavoured</corr> to <sic>battel</sic>  <corr>battle</corr> me in my pers=
=nite woundering that I who had been
so long a Member of the H. Communion
with them <sic>shud</sic>  <corr>should</corr> now <sic>becom</sic>  <corr>become</corr> so <sic>unesy</sic>  <corr>uneasy</corr>
he having on <sic>inquery</sic>  <corr>inquiry</corr> found me

[page break]

to have an unspotted Camictar?
adding that I must not expect to
know what would become of my Soul
till I Died &e&e woundering over my
shallow short <sic>sighteadness</sic>  <corr>sightedness</corr> I got quick
from him (it being night) & on my
hom it darted in my heart (viz) you
seek help & ease by the <sic>rong</sic>  <corr>wrong</corr> Man.
its our Saviour only that can help you
this. tho I had off hand but as yet not
believd being <sic>perswaded</sic>  <corr>persuaded</corr> that I had
much to do as Praying fasting
receiving <sic>weakley</sic>  <corr>weakly</corr> the ?? Sacrament
giving Almes & the like from which
now it pleasd our D.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> Saviour indem[?]
to <sic>releas</sic>  <corr>realse</corr> me granting me to rest
only & alone on His <sic>Sacread</sic>  <corr>Sacred</corr> Month
word faile[?] to express the <sic>Happyness</sic>  <corr>Happiness</corr>
I enjoyd but having as yet but
little <sic>intercorse</sic>  <corr>intercourse</corr> with the Br.<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> <sic>som</sic>  <corr>some</corr>
Rich Merchant of the souce? <sic>buysniss</sic>  <corr>business</corr>
I was in (Oil Man) continied to porpo
sals of Marriage after I on <sic>thare</sic>  <corr>their</corr>
<sic>Creddit</sic>  <corr>Credit</corr> got a shop well furnished &e
here I became sore intangeld
that I <sic>againe</sic>  <corr>again</corr> had no rest