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I <persname>Joseph Powell</persname> son of <persname>Caleb and
Ann Powell</persname> was Born <date>Oc</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>t</date></hi><date> 8 1711</date> O.S
at hisquide near <placename>Whitchuzch</placename> in
<placename>Shrop Shier England</placename>
My Father being a farmer broug-
-ht me up (as he did most of his Children)
to the same employ - He being a
<sic>Prisbytarian</sic>  <corr>Presbyterian</corr> as also my Mother was
who in <sic>perticuler</sic>  <corr>particular</corr> usd great <sic>sercum-
spection</sic>  <corr>circumspection</corr> love & patient with me in 
& <add>on</add> all Ocassions . her method was to
<sic>retier</sic>  <corr>retire</corr> almost every Evening where
no mortal Eye say her Children
to lay before the Lord ever concern
respecting her <sic>familly</sic>  <corr>family</corr> & <sic>perticuler</sic>  <corr>particular</corr>
the souls of her Children - I at
about my 10 year <add>had Observd</add> that on her coming
from her Sinnerhous or place of <sic>ret-
-ierment</sic>  <corr>retirement</corr> She <sic>alwais</sic>  <corr>always</corr> securd to have
been weeping but on each such occas-
ion was <sic>uncomonly</sic>  <corr>uncommonly</corr> Affectionate &
& loving - at this age I once crept
behind this her place of <sic>retierment</sic>  <corr>retirement</corr> 
& hard with what earnestness she laid
My Salvation on the Lords Heart.

[page break]

Heart . . this gave me a lasting
deep impression, I often from that time
under & by the sins which so <sic>easeley</sic>  <corr>easily</corr> bes-
-et me was woont to <sic>retier</sic>  <corr>retire</corr> alone to prayr
when I got easd from many heavy
<sic>presuers</sic>  <corr>pressures</corr> - but in this state of sining
& repenting (not knowing him who came
to set me free) I continud many years
till I hard the clear saving <sic>Gospell</sic>  <corr>Gospel</corr> by
the Brethren