
From Moravian Transcriptions
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where we lived in true brotherly love
with the B<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">rn</hi></hi> & S<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">rs</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi>. 
<gap></gap>In 1823 we removed again to
Oekbrook. After B<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">r</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi> Liley's happy
departure my dear husband was
appointed one of the Provincal Helpers.
He accepted this office in simple reli-
ance on our Saviour;s gracious as-
sistance, & his confidence in our Lord
was not put to shame.
<gap></gap>In 1829 our eldest daughter was 
called to the Mission in Antigua, &