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<sic>keept</sic>  <corr>kept</corr> in <placename>Herrnhuth</placename> (:Tho I understood nothing of it:). I was moved to write
to B.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> <persname>Dober</persname>, which I accordingly did. In the <sic>affternoon</sic>  <corr>afternoon</corr> I went in the
Hall, and the above mention'd Brother read my Letter among the rest, which
greatly <emotion>surprised</emotion> me, as that was not my Intention, after he had read
it he sung me a Verse, which melted my heart. The next Prayerday
the <date>2.</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>d</date></hi><date> of February</date> I was receiv'd into the Congregation and wish'd
heartily that I might become a Joy to our Saviour in the same.
The <date>16</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of March</date> I had the unexpected favour to partake of the
Holy Sacrament. What I thereby enjoy'd I cannot express, I was quite
<emotion>astonish'd</emotion> at this Grace. I then went on my Path in Simplicity
and enjoy'd the Sisters Love In the Spring of the Year <date>1743</date> The
First <sic>Widdows</sic>  <corr>Widows</corr> house being settled, I had the favour to be admitted
into the same and was very happy among my Sisters. Sometime
after I felt <emotion>opress'd</emotion> at heart; I consulted my Brn: and Sisters, they directed
me to the Friend of Sinners where I should receive comfort, and I ex=
=perienced the Truth thereof. One time I went into the Woods and
laid my Distress before our dear Saviour, Tho my Tears spoke more
than I could express in words. Presently he drew near my heart, and
I saw him with the Eyes of my Spirit in his Bleeding Form. Our d.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>
Saviours tender loving look pierced me to the heart, so that I could really
look upon myself as utterly unworthy of his Grace; and in the deepest
Humility and Bowedness of heart, could only cry out: Is it possible
that thou canst love such a Sinner! This contemplation gave me
a true insight that my self Righteousness, that Spotted Garment
had hitherto been <sic>allways</sic>  <corr>always</corr> in my way. At that time a change
was wrought in me that I cannot describe, and my heart became
light and easy. From that time forward our Saviours labour
in my heart has been unwearied. My becoming Discipless
of my Choir in the Year <date>1758</date> was a peculiar Blessing to me
as was likewise the Consecration of our New Choir House, which
made such a blessed Impression on my Heart, that I shall never
forget it. Whenever I felt myself at the worst, and have thought
what unspeakable Grace our Saviour has bestow'd on me, and that

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