he askd me Several <sic>qeustions</sic> <corr>questions</corr>: he ask me also
Why i was not Baptisd on <placename>Staten </placename><sic><placename>YLand</placename></sic><placename> </placename><corr><placename>Island</placename></corr>? i
answered, i was <sic>afeard</sic> <corr>afraid</corr> to Let my father know
of it, beCause he was he was <hi rend="underline">a Baptist</hi>
and <sic>whe</sic> <corr>we</corr> had no English minister there as
a Churchman, and i told him i would not be
Baptised by him; he ask'd me Why? and i <sic>Sayd</sic> <corr>Said</corr>
beCause he Sign'd with the Sign of the
Cross; he <sic>S</sic><sic>ayd</sic> <corr>Said</corr> nothing to me but about
that, but he askd me Several other
questions about my faith: but i answered but
<sic>Litle</sic> <corr>Little</corr> and then my husband and <sic>Cussin</sic> <corr>Cousin</corr> was
Calld in the room, and we all Stood and he
askd <add>me</add> Some Church questions to <sic>wich</sic> <corr>which</corr> i ans
wered: he told us to kneel down, and then he
Baptised me and Signd me with with the <unclear>Singr</unclear>
of the Cross but it Seemd to <sic>mee</sic> <corr>me</corr> as tho' he
Struck his fingers upon my heart in Stead
of being <sic>Rejoyst</sic> <corr>Rejoiced</corr> my <add>heart</add> Sunk in my body, o
the pain of my heart i cannot Express
i Slept but <sic>Litle</sic> <corr>Little</corr> that night i thought
what Shall i Shall i do now i have made
So many promises how Shall i perform them
[page break]
and thought if i Could