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i <hi rend="underline"><persname>Susanna Burger</persname></hi> <add>was Born</add> in the <add>year</add> <date>1696 the 24
day of march</date> at <placename>Staten island</placename>: my fa-
thers was and <sic>Motters</sic>  <corr>Mothers</corr> name was <hi rend="underline"><persname>nathan</persname></hi><persname>
and </persname><hi rend="underline"><persname>Catherin</persname></hi><persname> </persname>Burger<persname> </persname><add><hi rend="underline"><persname>Whittman</persname>:</hi></add> my father was a farmer
of a honest and Sober <unclear>[?]</unclear>, and Lived in good <unclear>be-
d A:</unclear> my Dear Mother died when i was 4 year
and 3 months <sic>ould</sic>  <corr>old</corr>: my father took <hi rend="underline">his</hi> mother
home and She took Care of me <sic>untill</sic>  <corr>until</corr> i was 
Eight years Eight years old, and then my <sic>fatt</sic><add><sic>er</sic></add>  <corr>father</corr>
married again, and then my grand mother had no
more Liberty to take Care of me, as She had
before. When i was Eighteen years old i
was married to <hi rend="underline"><persname>Elias Burger</persname></hi> in the year <date>1714</date>,
by Whom i have had 7 Sons and 4 daughters
and when i had been <unclear>marred</unclear> 3 months i was
<hi rend="underline">Baptised as</hi> my father was not Bapti <hi rend="underline">a Bap
tist</hi> i was not Baptisd in my infancy: my 
husband and i Came t<hi rend="underline">o <placename>newyork</placename></hi> that i Should
recieve the holy Baptism we went to my hus-
bands <sic>Cussins</sic>  <corr>Cousins</corr> house, they askd me: what minis-
ter i would have? i <sic>Saide</sic>  <corr>Said</corr> a English <sic>prispe
terian</sic>  <corr>presbyterian</corr> minister; and When the minister Came