
From Moravian Transcriptions
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My first Birth, was . . . . . . . . <date>1700.</date>
My Marriage with my Husband . . . . . <date>1723.</date>
First Awakening . . . . . . . . . . <date>1724</date>
My Widowhood and Convictions . . . . . <date>1736.</date>
My Call to Grace . . . . . . . . <date>1740.</date>
My Reception in the Congregation . . . . <date>1750.</date>
<gap></gap>By our Saviours Grace I was a Communicant in his Church
the <date>same Year</date>, and from that Time, thro' the Gift of the Holy
Ghost, I could believe that I was a Fellow Citizen with the 
Saints, and of the <sic>Houshold</sic>  <corr>Household</corr> of God.
<gap></gap>I was born the <date>8</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>. of May</date>, and am now in the 30<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>. <add>Year</add> of my
Widowhood, the Consideration of Which is so weighty to Me,
that I know not how to express my Thankfulness to my dear
Saviour, for all the gracious Forgiveness he has bestowd
upon Me; from one Year to Another, and from one Day to
Another has the good Shepherd shewd to Me his Faithfulness,
taking Me by the Hand like a Father, and thro' his Spirit
manifesting his beloved Son unto Me, and that in Him all
my Happiness was <unclear>treasur'd</unclear> up. <gap></gap>O this was to my Heart like the
Day Spring from on High, and the Dawnings of the blessed Hope
of my Redemption from the Power of the Devil, of the World and the
Flesh who held Me in the Bondage of Sin; so that what I approv'd,
I did not, and what I allowd not, that I did: and <add>could</add> do no other-
-wise. This was my Condition in the Year <date>1736.</date> and the first
of my Widowhood. <gap></gap>From this Time forward I perceivd

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in my Heart that my